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ZMission is an independent TipCheck advisor

A crucial step toward energy efficiency: Focus on Insulation

In the industrial sector, uninsulated components in production environments remain one of the largest sources of energy waste. This is an area where significant energy savings can be realized with relatively low investments. Insulation is not only an effective energy-saving measure, but it also offers an attractive return on investment (ROI), which can sometimes even be realized within a year.

The Tesla Example: Practical Impact of Insulation

The Tesla example impressively illustrates the potential energy savings that can be achieved through effective insulation in the industrial sector. In this particular case, a simple but crucial step was taken: isolating a single valve in an industrial plant.

The situation involved a 150-mm (6-inch) diameter valve that operated at a temperature of 150 °C. This valve was originally uninsulated and remained in operation throughout the year (8760 hours), resulting in significant heat losses.

After applying insulation to this valve, annual energy savings of about 10,000 kWh were realized. To put this into a more understandable context, this energy savings is equivalent to the amount of energy needed to run an electric car, such as a Tesla Model S, more than 20,000 kilometers. This is based on the assumption that such a car consumes about 0.2 kWh per kilometer.

This example highlights that even small changes in insulation can have large effects on energy consumption and associated costs. It also shows how the savings from insulation can be directly related to everyday concepts such as driving a car, making the impact of such measures more tangible and relatable.

Take the current kWh price and the financial savings are known. ROI less than 12 months. In this case, it involved about 600 fittings!

Technical Expertise and Pragmatic Approach

Our certified and independent consultants not only have expertise in TipCheck audits, but also have a strong technical background. This allows them to look at possible improvements in your production process in a very pragmatic way. They understand the complexity and challenges of industrial processes and can therefore provide effective, realistic solutions that fit within your operational frameworks.

Certified TipCheck consultants, trained by the European Industrial Insulation Foundation (EiiF), are qualified to conduct specialized thermal energy audits in industrial environments. Their certification provides them with certain rights and benefits, which contribute to the value of their certificate:

Expertise in Energy Audits: TipCheck consultants are qualified to conduct comprehensive energy audits aimed at assessing and improving the thermal performance of industrial insulation systems. They can make detailed analyses of energy losses, cost-saving opportunities and payback periods.

Access to Specialized Tools: These consultants have access to and are trained in the use of advanced tools and technologies, such as thermographic imaging and TipCheck software, to accurately identify and quantify energy losses.

Industry Recognition: The TipCheck certificate is recognized by industrial organizations and companies throughout Europe. This means that certified consultants have a recognized status that carries trust and credibility.

Consulting Based on Industry Standards: The training ensures that consultants work according to the latest industry standards and guidelines. This includes compliance with relevant EU regulations and standards, such as EN 16247 and ISO 50002.

Improving Sustainability and Cost Savings: Certified consultants can help companies reduce their carbon emissions and meet environmental goals, while reaping economic benefits through energy and cost savings.

Continuous Professional Development: TipCheck consultants are required to keep their knowledge and skills up to date, ensuring continuous professional development and expertise in industrial insulation and energy efficiency.

In essence, TipCheck certification is a demonstration of expertise and professionalism in energy audits and industrial insulation. It enables consultants to play a crucial role in improving the energy efficiency and sustainability of industrial processes, which is increasingly important in today’s climate-conscious business environment.

The Added Value of Independent TipCheck Certified ZMission Advisors
Our team consists of independent TipCheck certified energy advisors. TipCheck (Technical Insulation Performance Check) is an advanced program developed by the European Industrial Insulation Foundation (EiiF). It provides a standardized and qualitative approach to conducting thermal energy audits.

Benefits of Working with TipCheck Certified Advisors:

Expert Analysis: Our TipCheck experts have undergone extensive training to analyze and optimize the thermal performance of insulation systems.
Cost and Energy Savings: They can accurately identify the potential for energy savings and carbon reduction in your facilities, leading to significant cost savings.
Customized Solutions: Every industrial process is unique, and our TipCheck experts offer customized solutions specific to your needs.

Technical Expertise and Pragmatic Approach
Our consultants not only have expertise in TipCheck audits, but also have a strong technical background. This allows them to look at possible improvements in your production process in a very pragmatic way. They understand the complexity and challenges of industrial processes and can therefore provide effective, realistic solutions that fit within your operational frameworks.

Commitment to Sustainability and Efficiency
We are committed to supporting the industry in achieving their sustainability goals. Through the use of our TipCheck certified consultants, coupled with our technical expertise, we strive to make a significant contribution to both energy efficiency and cost savings in the industrial sector. Contact us for a TipCheck energy audit and find out how to significantly reduce your energy consumption and costs.
We are independent!